The Chi Eta Phi Education Foundation focuses its grantmaking on the following programs and services:
Our Programs
Minority Health Care
With adequate and sustainable funding resources the Foundation’s purpose includes:
- Conducting and promoting nursing research
- Providing nurses an avenue to community service activities
- The development of programs to improve the health status of African-Americans and under-served populations
Minority Nurse Education
With adequate and sustainable funding resources the Foundation’s purpose includes:
- To encourage and promote nursing education
- To provide scholarship assistance to undergraduate and graduate students
Global Health Nursing Exchange
The Global Health Nursing Exchange is an international program that engages practicing nurses and other health professionals in the promotion of cultural diversity, global health equity and better understanding of cultural norms and expectations across the globe.
The Learning Laboratory
The goal of the CEP Education Foundation is to develop a corps of nursing leaders who effect social change in communities at the local, regional, national and global levels. Its Learning Lab will supplement and expand the current knowledge of nurses at all levels including student nurses. Educational offerings will focus on nurses gaining a broader understanding of the social determinants of health and nursing’s role in eliminating structural racism that leads to so many inequities. All learning must be grounded by evidence-based research and encourage graduates and undergraduates to exchange knowledge and best practices in solving common leadership issues from an equity perspective. The CEP Education Foundation will support efforts to create lifelong education focused on DEIB+SJ leadership and other focal areas, such as anti-racism, a better understanding of frameworks, and research that have equity at the core. An example of these frameworks include the newly revised 10 Public Health Essentials.
We will work with undergraduate and practicing nurses to advance their leadership skills through a variety of online (i.e., workshops, seminars) and face-to-face activities and cultural exchanges such as the People to People Program. These program offerings will complement and expand nurses’ practical and leadership experience with an emphasis on nursing and public-health science.
Selected Key Topics
- Trauma-Informed Care
- How to be an Anti-racist
- Managing Diversity
- Gender and Leadership
- Building a Culture of Health
Social Action/Human Rights Leadership
The Foundation will work towards gaining consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. We will also engage with the World Health Organization and other subsidiary bodies, various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, and create events organized in consultation with the United Nations, providing an international leadership forum for nurses and nursing students.
We will work with organizations and groups to assist them in committing to DEIB+SJ. We bring our combined experience in senior corporate leadership roles and executive coaching to the tough challenges facing organizations, worldwide, to develop practical solutions to the goal of Health Equity for all.
Accreditation and Sponsorship of International Organizations/ Programs
We will work with international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including locally-based programs/projects, to help them build an ongoing and committed donor and sponsor base. This will be a voluntary, self-regulatory process to recognize and support non-governmental entities that have been found to meet or exceed generally accepted standards and criteria for NGOs.